Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Polio Vaccine: Greatest Medical Miracle Of Our Time?

Was the Polio vaccine really the greatest medical miracle of our time, or was it simply the most elaborate cover up?

*CDC Statistic: Before Polio vaccine was available, 13,000 to 20,000 cases of paralytic Polio were reported each year in the U.S.


*Response: Paralytic Polio was pre-determined to decrease down to essentially nill when the reporting standards were changed in 1955. The standards of reporting paralytic Polio changed from only 24 hours of symptoms to more than 60 days of symptoms, which virtually eliminated paralytic Polio from statistics, as paralytic Polio typically resolves within weeks, not months. Generic Poliomyelitis was also removed from statistics via “elegant administrative moves”, which also began in 1955, when the a change in medical reporting standards occurred that now required Poliomyelitis to be reported under different names, mainly viral or aseptic meningits, or coxsackie virus.


Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, 87th Congress, 2nd Session on HR 10541; May 1962: 94-112

Catherine Diodati MA; Immunization History Ethics Law and Health, pg. 116

Neil Z Miller: The polio vaccine: a critical assessment of its arcane history, efficacy, and long term health related consequences, 2004

Bulletin of the American Association of Public Health Physicians; 1954

Proceedings of the 120th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Medical Society; Illinois Medical Journal; August 1960

"Data shown in this report are confined to paralytic poliomyelitis only. It may be noted that the Dominion Council of Health at it's 74th meeting in October 1958 recommended that for the purposes of national reporting and statistics the term non paralytic poliomyelitis be replaced by 'meningitis, viral or aseptic' with the specific viruses shown where known."

-The Dominion Bureau of Statistics Official Bulletin, Poliomyelitis Trends, 1958; June 1959 (Canada)

"Go to your medical library and ask to see the United States Polio Surveillance Units bulletins, from 1955 to 1970. They will be listed as 'missing'. Every single medical library in the USA and New Zealand has them listed as 'missing'. There is only one place you can see them as far as I know, and that is the AMA library, and they are listed as having top security clearance requirements to see. Why might this be? When he was alive, Dr. Ratner had copies of them in his home. He gave me many years' data that I wanted. They clearly showed that from the inception of the Salk vaccine to it's discontinuation, the vaccine had minus efficacy and was actually causing more Polio in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. Any studious person looking at government stats in retrospect would be able to easily see that the political and media canonization of Salk and his vaccine was a mirage of duplicity upon duplicity."

-Hilary Butler MD (2009 April)

The question of the iron lung: if the Polio vaccine never eradicated Polio, what happened to all of those iron lungs?

An appropriate common sense question with an appropriate common sense answer: iron lungs were already on their way out when the Polio vaccine was being introduced. "The drinker", aka iron lung, was a negative pressure ventilator and was replaced by positive pressure ventilation as early as 1952 in the United States.

*CDC Statistic: As a result of global eradication efforts, the number of cases has decreased from 350,000 cases in 125 countries in 1988 to 2,000 cases in 17 countries in 2006.


*Response: the reasoning for the radical “decrease” in Polio from 1988 to 2006 is identical to the reasoning for the original decrease in 1955: changes in the definition of the disease, only this time on an international platform. Poliomyelitis now operates under such terminology as “Guillain Barre Syndrome”, “Chinese Paralytic Syndrome”, “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”, and so on. There exists, in fact, a shockingly long list of polio-identical or nearly-exact illnesses in the world community. In fact, as early as 1950, more than 170 of these diseases were documented by Ralf R. Scobey, who was the president of the Poliomyeltis Research Institute Inc., at the time and are available for viewing in the Archives of Pediatrics in Syracus, New York (1946-1953).

See also:

-William Campbell Douglass, MD: "chronic fatigue syndrome: the hidden polio epidemic", Second Opinion Newsletter

An Excellent Reference on the Many Names of Polio:


*Informed Citizens Against Vaccination claims that the eradication of “Polio” at the hands of the World Health Organization (WHO) has been successful, if one considers simply re-naming a disease and changing its reporting standards as sufficient. We, however, do not. The real problems that are creating such massive epidemics of disease across the world community are not being addressed. If we are going to find a true cure for poliomyelitis at some point, the entire international community is going to have to experience a major wake up call that the vaccinations are NOT it.

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