Thursday, October 29, 2009

Risks of The Vaccine vs The Risks of The Disease

Risks Compared

Gardasil (HPV)

Worst case scenario of HPV: HPV can lead to cancerous and precancerous changes in the cervix.

Uncontested Serious Adverse Risks of the vaccine according to the product insert and the vaccine manufacturer: Erythema, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Asthma, Sepsis, Pancreatic Cancer, Arrhythmia (one of a few on here that can most certainly be fatal), Juvenile Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis.


Varivax (Varicella/Chickenpox)

Worse case scenario of Chickenpox: itchy, fluid filled blisters.

Uncontested Serious Adverse Risks of the vaccine according to the product insert and the vaccine manufacturer: Upper respiratory illness, arthralgia, allergic reactions, Anaphylaxis (including anaphylactic shock), angioneurotic edema, facial edema, peripheral edema, thrombocytopenia (including ITP), encephalitis, cerebrovascular accident, transverse myelitis, Guillain Barre Syndrome, Bell's Palsy, ataxia, non-febrile seizures, aseptic meningitis, paresthesia, pneumonia, pharyngitis, erythema multiforme, Henoch-schonlein purpura, secondary bacterial infections of skin and soft tissue, including impetigo and cellulitis, and herpes zoster.


Rotarix (Rotavirus)

Worst case scenario of Rotavirus: Diarrhea leading to dehydration (treatable with re-hydration).

Uncontested Serious Adverse Risks of the vaccine according to the product insert and the vaccine manufacturer: Death and Kawasaki disease.


FluZone/FluShield (Influenza)

Worst case scenario of influenza: death from complications (rare in children, but possible).

Uncontested Serious Adverse Risks of the vaccine according to the product insert and the vaccine manufacturer: Anaphylaxis, Vasculitis, Neurological disorders such as Encephalopathy, optic neuritis/neuropathy, partial facial paralysis, brachial plexus, and neuropathy.

The contestations with the influenza vaccine lie primarily in it's ingredients (it contains thimerosal), in the likelihood of a child experiencing influenza that may actually be life threatening versus the well known neurological impairments the vaccine does cause, and the total lack of efficiency of the vaccination.

More references on these topics:

***First of all, only about 20% of all flu-like illnesses are actually caused by an influenza virus, so it is important to keep in mind when you decide to give your child the flu vaccine that they are only getting a shot to protect them of a 20% out of 100% chance of flu illness, not the whole shebang.

-Source: FDA meeting, February 20th, 2003, as conceded by Nancy Cox, PhD, Chief Influenza Branch, Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

***The vaccine fails to get the proper flu strain contained on a regular basis, which means a serious risk for your child at a very unlikely benefit.

There are three main types of flu virus, and each type can mutate, or change, from year to year. Thus, there are literally thousands of possible strains. (Each strain is thoroughly analyzed and given a proper name, often a title associated with the place where it was initially discovered.) Every year health officials produce a new flu vaccine containing three mutated strains of flu virus. To determine which strains to use, officials travel to China at the beginning of the year to assess circulating flu viruses in that region of the world. They try to guess which strains will reach the United States by the end of the year. Production begins, and the new vaccine is usually available by October.

Flu "experts" often guess wrong. For example, in 1994 they predicted that Shangdong, Texas, and Panama strains would be prevalent that year, thus millions of people were vaccinated with a flu shot that contained these viruses. However, when winter arrived, the Johannesburg and Beijing strains of influenza circulated through society. The vaccine was ineffective. This happened again in 1996, and again in 1997. More recently, the vaccine created for the 2003-2004 flu season contained flu strains that did not circulate through society that year. Officials were once again forced to admit that millions of people were vaccinated with an ineffective vaccine. Yet, flu fatalities did not increase during these years. For example, in 1996, 857 people died from the flu; in 1997, 745 people died from the flu -- typical annual numbers.

In 2004, flu vaccine manufacturers were unable to produce enough flu shots to accommodate everyone who wanted a flu vaccine. (Several batches were contaminated and had to be destroyed.) Thus, only half of the population that is normally vaccinated against influenza (approximately 45 million people versus 90 million during an average year) received the vaccine. If influenza is truly a deadly disease, as officials claim, the 2004-2005 flu season should be catastrophic. If, as the CDC claims, 36,000 people die every year from the flu when 90 million people are vaccinated against the disease, how many more will die when only 45 million people are "protected?" I predict that flu fatalities will not increase. In fact, flu (and pneumonia?) fatalities may even decrease during this rare period when the American population is "under-vaccinated" against influenza.
Note: The article above was written in early 2005. On December 10, 2005, the British Medical Journal published a report acknowledging the veracity of this article by substantiating the claim that CDC flu death figures are completely bogus, hyper-inflated to scare the public and sell more flu vaccine.

-Additional source: British Medical Journal, "Are US flu death figures more PR than science?"

Primary Source:

There is also a vital inquiry to be made regarding whether the flu vaccine even prevents influenza deaths. In 2004, there was a massive shortage of flu vaccines due to a large number of contaminated batches. Supply was cut in half which should have resulted in a massive increase in influenza deaths in the United States. Yet instead of an increase in influenza deaths, there was a marked DECREASE- of 30%, in influenza deaths that year.


CDC: "Deaths: final data for 2003". US Department of Health and Human Services; National Vital Statistics Reports (April 19, 2006); Volume 54, Number 13

CDC: "Deaths: final data for 2004". US Department of Health and Human Services; National Vital Statistics Reports (June 28, 2006); Volume 54, Number 19

MMRII (Measles Mumps Rubella): focus on measles in terms of risks but all would apply because they are contained within the same vaccination.

Worst case scenario of Measles: measles encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), starting (up to 3 weeks) after onset of the rash and presenting with high fever, convulsions, and coma. It usually runs a short course with full recovery within a week. However it also may eventuate in central nervous system impairment or death.

Worst case scenario of Mumps: Orchitis: Inflammation of the testis (male sex organ). This may very rarely lead to sterility in a male.

Worst case scenario of Rubella: Rubella is most serious because of its ability to produce defects in a developing fetus if the mother is infected during early pregnancy. Congenital rubella syndrome occurs in 25% or more of infants born to women who acquired rubella during the first trimester of pregnancy. Defects are rare if the infection occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy. One or more defects may occur in an infected fetus and include deafness , cataracts , microcephaly , mental retardation , congenital heart defects , and other problems. A miscarriage or stillbirth may occur.

(Rubella is only a serious threat to pregnant women and their unborn children essentially. So why do we vaccinate little girls AND boys with this when we know vaccinations do not confer anywhere near lifelong or even long term immunity to disease?)

Uncontested Serious Adverse Risks of the vaccine according to the product insert and the vaccine manufacturer: 0- they officially admit nothing

"Possible" Serious Adverse Risks that the vaccine may cause but that they do not agree with a definitive association to: Panniculitis, Atypical measles, Vasculitis, Pancreatitis, Diabetes Mellitus, Thrombocytopenia, Leukocytosis, Anaphylaxis, Angioneurotic edema, Arthritis, Arthraliga, Polyneuritis, Encephalopathy or Encephalitis, Measles Inclusion Body Encephalitis (MIBE), Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE), Convulsions or seizures, Ataxia, Polyneuropathy, Ocular palsies, Pneumonia, Erythema Multiforme, Urticaria, Otitis Media, Optic Neuritis, Papillitis, Retrobulbar neuritis, Epididymitis, Orchitis.

See the following references for more details:

Cavlek TV, Sternak SL, Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis--the continuing threat.
Coll Antropol. 2006 Dec;30(4):959-63


Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) Vaccine as a Potential Cause of Encephalitis (Brain Inflammation) in Children
Harold E. Buttram, MD

The Physician's Desk Reference, in its section on the MMR vaccine, states that complications from MMR, such as encephalitis and optic neuritis, occur "very rarely."


"Measles Inclusion Body Encephalitis Caused by the Vaccine Strain of Measles Virus"- PDF article on the topic

World Health Organization background information on Measles Vaccination

Measles vaccine safety

*May cause encephalitis

BC HealthFile #14a, September 2007

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Vaccine

More serious reactions can include seizures caused by fever, a temporary drop in the blood cells that help prevent bleeding, and, inflammation of the brain (encephalitis).


IPOL (Poliomyelitis)

Worst case scenario of Polio: This infection can lead to temporary paralysis or, in more severe cases, permanent paralysis or death.

Uncontested Serious Adverse Risks of the vaccine according to the product insert and the vaccine manufacturer: 0- they officially admit nothing

"Possible" Serious Adverse Risks that the vaccine may cause but that they do not agree with a definitive association to: Guillain Barre Syndrome


See the below references for details:

Sutter, Roland W., et al. "Attributable risk of DTP (Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Pertussis Vaccine) injection in provoking paralytic poliomyelitis during a large outbreak in Oman." Journal of Infectious Diseases 1992; 165:444-9.

Strebel, Peter M., et al. "Intramuscular injections within 30 days of immunization with oral poliovirus vaccine -- a risk factor for vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis." New England J of Med (February 23, 1995), pp. 500+.

Editorial. "Provocation paralysis." Lancet 1992; 340:1005.

Wyatt, H.V. "Provocation poliomyelitis: neglected clinical observations from 1914-1950." Bulletin of Historical Medicine 1981; 55:543-57.

Guyer, B., et al. "Injections and paralytic poliomyelitis in tropical Africa." Bull WHO 1980; 58:285-91.

Wyatt, H.V. "Incubation of poliomyelitis as calculated from time of entry into the central nervous system via the peripheral nerve pathways." Rev Infect Dis 1990; 12:547-56.

Wyatt H.V., et al. "Unnecessary injections and paralytic poliomyelitis in India." Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1992; 86:546-49.

***Polio vaccine has also been responsible for the carcinogen SV-40. Unfortunately some bad monkey kidney cells happened to invade many batches of Polio vaccines (since monkey kidney cells are one of the ingredients in the polio vaccine) and this has caused a massive, and very hidden, incidence of Cancer in the United States because of the nature of this contamination. Below is documentation regarding the connection.

1. Monkey kidneys are used to develop polio vaccines.
2. SV-40, a cancer-causing virus, thrived in monkey kidneys.
3. Polio vaccines were contaminated.
4. Millions of people in the USA and throughout the world were infected.
5. Cancer rates have increased. SV-40 is found in brain tumors, bone cancers, lung cancers, and leukemia.


Shah, K and Nathanson, N. "Human exposure to SV40." American Journal of Epidemiology, 1976; 103: 1-12.
Innis, M.D. "Oncogenesis and poliomyelitis vaccine." Nature, 1968; 219:972-73.

Soriano, F., et al. "Simian virus 40 in a human cancer." Nature, 1974; 249:421-24.

Weiss, A.F., et a;. "Simian virus 40-related antigens in three human meningiomas with defined chromosome loss." Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 1975; 72(2):609-13.

Scherneck, S., et al. "Isolation of a SV-40-like papovavirus from a human glioblastoma." International Journal of Cancer 1979; 24:523-31.

Stoian, M., et al. "Possible relation between viruses and oromaxillofacial tumors. II. Research on the presence of SV40 antigen and specific antibodies in patients with oromaxillofacial tumors." Virologie, 1987; 38:35-40.

Stoian, M., et al. "Possible relation between viruses and oromaxillofacial tumors. II. Detection of SV40 antigen and of anti-SV40 antibodies in patients with parotid gland tumors." Virologie, 1987; 38:41-46

. Bravo, M.P., et al. "Association between the occurrence of antibodies to simian vacuolating virus 40 and bladder cancer in male smokers." Neoplasma, 1988; 35:285-88.

O'Connell, K., et al. "Endothelial cells transformed by SV40 T-antigen cause Kaposi?s sarcoma-like tumors in nude mice." American Journal of Pathology, 1991; 139(4):743-49.

Weiner, L.P., et al. "Isolation of virus related to SV40 from patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy." New England Journal of Medicine, 1972; 286:385-90.

Tabuchi, K. "Screening of human brain tumors for SV-40-related T-antigen." International Journal of Cancer 1978; 21:12-17.

Meinke, W., et al. "Simian virus 40-related DNA sequences in a human brain tumor." Neurology 1979; 29:1590-94.

Krieg, P., et al. "Episomal Simian Virus 40 Genomes in Human Brain Tumors." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 1981, 78(10):6446-6450.

Krieg, P., et al. "Cloning of SV40 genomes from human brain tumors." Virology 1984; 138:336-40.

Geissler, E. "SV40 in human intracranial tumors: passenger virus or oncogenic 'hit-and-run' agent?" Z Klin Med, 1986; 41:493-95.

Geissler, E. "SV40 and Human Brain Tumors." Progress in Medical Virology, 1990; 37:211-222.

Bergsagel, D.J., et al. "DNA sequences similar to those of simian virus 40 in ependymomas and choroid plexus tumors of childhood." New England Journal of Medicine, 1992; 326:988-93.

Martini, M., et al. "Human Brain Tumors and Simian Virus 40." Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1995, 87(17):1331.

Lednicky, JA., et al. "Natural Simian Virus 40 Strains are Present in Human Choroid Plexus and Ependymoma Tumors." Virology, 1995, 212(2):710-17.

Tognon, M., et al. "Large T Antigen Coding Sequence of Two DNA Tumor Viruses, BK and SV-40, and Nonrandom Chromosome Changes in Two Gioblastoma Cell Lines." Cancer Genetics and Cytogenics, 1996, 90(1): 17-23.

Carbone, M., et al. "SV-40 Like Sequences in Human Bone Tumors." Oncogene, 1996, 13(3):527-35.

Pass, HI, Carbone, M., et al. "Evidence For and Implications of SV-40 Like Sequences in Human Mesotheliomas." Important Advances in Oncology, 1996, pp. 89-108.

Rock, Andrea. "The Lethal Dangers of the Billion Dollar Vaccine Business," Money, (December 1996), p. 161. [Article]

Carlsen, William. "Rogue virus in the vaccine: Early polio vaccine harbored virus now feared to cause cancer in humans." San Francisco Chronicle (July 15, 2001), p. 7. [Article: Research by Susan Fisher, epidemiologist, Loyola University Medical Center.]

Bookchin, D. and Schumacher J. "Tainted polio vaccine still carries its threat 40 years later." The Boston Globe (January 26, 1997). [Article]

Rosa, FW., et al. "Absence of antibody response to simian virus 40 after inoculation with killed-poliovirus vaccine of mothers offspring with neurological tumors." New England Journal of Medicine, 1988; 318:1469.

Rosa, FW., et al. Response to: "Neurological tumors in offspring after inoculation of mothers with killed poliovirus vaccine." New England Journal of Medicine, 1988, 319:1226.

Martini, F., et al. "SV-40 Early Region and Large T Antigen in Human Brain Tumors, Peripheral Blood Cells, and Sperm Fluids from Healthy Individuals." Cancer Research, 1996, 56(20):4820-4825.

(We'll say it once and a thousand times after that: animal junk byproducts do not belong in human bodies! Let alone with the total lack of proper inspection and safety that goes into creating these vaccines!)

Infanrix DTaP (Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis/Whooping Cough)

Worst case scenario of Diphtheria: inflammation of the heart muscle; temporary paralysis.

Worst case scenario of Tetanus: death.

Worst case scenario of Pertussis: death.

Uncontested Serious Adverse Risks of the vaccine according to the product insert and the vaccine manufacturer: Brachial neuritis, Anaphylactic reaction, Guillain Barre Syndrome, Arthus-type local reactions.

"Possible" Serious Adverse Risks that the vaccine may cause but that they do not agree with a definitive association to: Intusussception, Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Thrombocytopenia, Encephalopathy, Hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes (HHE's), SIDS, Cyanosis, Cellulitis, Convulsions, Erythema.

Concerns with Tetanus element: Tetanus itself does not confer (even temporary) immunity. So how is the vaccination, which is supposed to mimic a diseases' natural conference of immunity, supposed to be effective?

National Center for Emergency Medicine Informatics-

Tetanus and Polio Vaccines- Some Facts for Parents who are Worried About These Diseases, Jan 1998; Viera Scheibner, PhD

Furthermore, the Tetanus portion of the vaccination is so diluted (due to the high toxicity of Tetanus) that it is effectively chemical laced tapwater.

Tetanus Toxoid Vaccination, an overview by Kris Gaublomme MD, available at

Concerns with Pertussis element:

***The United States still sees outbreaks of Pertussis despite far-exceeding "herd immunity" standards of immunization rates for the disease, with the vast majority of the cases occurring in vaccinated children. Not only that, but the CDC itself admits that Pertussis cases are (and have been) on the rise for quite some time now. It's obvious the vaccination is pathetically ineffective at preventing the disease and the risks of the vaccine are severe.

CDC references/admittance:

"Since the early 1980’s, reported Pertussis cases have been increasing, with peaks every 3-4 years."

(note that there are several more pertussis vaccination doses recommended now than there were in the 1980's and the vaccination rate is, contrary to media inference, actually higher now than it was then as well.)

"Over the past five to six years, the nation has seen a spike in pertussis, said Dr. Richard Tooker, chief medical …. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the United States has about 5,000 to 7,000 reported cases each year. The incidence of the disease has been increasing steadily since the 1980s….the vaccine has not been effective as long as was planned, he said."
-Mah, Linda S, -- 2006- 9-22

Parents understand there is some risk to any medicine we give our children, but if we are going to take a risk, especially some of the more serious risks this vaccination carries, we have a right to know that we are not taking that risk as a gamble (for potentially no reason at all), and that the medicine we are giving them is going to work.

Havrix (Hepatitis A)

Worst case scenario of Hepatitis A: flu like symptoms.

Uncontested Serious Adverse Risks of the vaccine according to the product insert and the vaccine manufacturer: Pharyngitis, Dysgeuisa, Hypertonia, Photophobia, "Creatine phosphokinase increase".


For anyone not understanding what any of the risk diseases mean according to the product insert I'll give you an explanation of the worst one, hypertonia. Hypertonia can lead to loss of function, deformity, and cerebral palsy.

Your doctor feels the risk of this condition is worth your child not getting flu like symptoms, and furthermore, when the risk of Hepatitis A is also virtually eliminated by proper handwashing. (

Energix B (Hepatitis B)

Worst case scenario of Hepatitis B: permanent liver damage, cirrhosis and liver cancer due to chronic infection.

Uncontested Serious Adverse Risks of the vaccine according to the product insert and the vaccine manufacturer: Hypotension, Arthralgia, Erythema Multiforme (Stevens-Johnson Syndrome), Anaphylaxis, Angioedema, Tachycardia, Arthritis, Dyspepsia, Transverse Myelitis, Hypoesthesia, Guillain Barre Syndrome, Bell's Palsy, Thrombocytopenia, Herpes Zoster.



***It's a fact- the only chance your child has of contracting Hepatitis B is if you (the mother) pass it onto them in vitro, or if they are sharing intravenous needles and having un-protected sex with multiple partners (not a common behavior of infants and toddlers, assumedly). Routine blood screening of pregnant women is all that is needed to prevent the extremely rare instance of Hepatitis B in infants and children.

***There is a mighty long list of admitted and potentially life threatening adverse events associated with this immunization. It carries a substantially higher rate of serious adverse reaction than any other vaccine (although the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, is rapidly catching up) and has no basis for use in infants and toddlers without infected mothers whatsoever.

References on the high rate of risk of Hepatitis B vaccination:

Geier MR; "Hepatitis B vaccination safety." Ann Pharmacother 2002 Mar;36(3):370-4

Medical Literature Cites Immune System/Brain Damage - During the past decade, there have been many reports in the medical literature (primarily in international medical journals rather than U.S. medical journals) that hepatitis B vaccination is causing chronic immune and neurological disease in children and adults, including lupus:

Tudela & Bonal (1992); Mamoux & Dumont (1994); Guiserix (1996); arthritis, including polyarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: Christan & Helin (1987); Hachulla et al (1990); Rogerson & Nye (1990); Biasi et al (1993),(1994); Vautier & Carty (1994); Hassan & Oldham (1994); Rheumatic Review (1994); Gross et al (1995); Pope et al (1995); Cathebras et al (1996); Soubrier et al (1997); Guillain Barre Syndrome GBS): Shaw et al (1988), Tuohy (1989); demyelinating disorders such as optic neuritis, Bell's Palsy, demyelinating neuropathy, transverse myelitis and multiple sclerosis: Shaw et al (1988); WHO (1990); Reutens et al (1990); Herroelen et al (1991); Nadler (1993); Brezin et al (1993); Mahassin et al (1993); Kaplanski et al (1995); Baglivo et al (1996); Marsaudon & Barrault (1996); Berkman et al (1996); Waisbren (1997); diabetes mellitus: Poutasi (1996); Classen (1996); chronic fatigue: Salit (1993); Delage et al (1993); vascular disorders: Fried et al (1987); Goolsby (1989); Cockwell et al (1990); Poullin & Gabriel (1994); Mathieu et al (1996); Graniel et al (1997); and others.

Hep B Vaccine Infant Deaths Reported In VAERS - Even though fewer than 10 percent of all doctors report health problems following vaccination, there are more than 16,000 reports of hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following hepatitis B vaccination that have been reported to the U.S. government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) since July 1990. There are reports of deaths in infants under one month of age following hepatitis B vaccination in VAERS, with most of the deaths being classified as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), even though SIDS is not historically recognized in the medical literature as occurring in babies under two months of age.

***Hepatitis B vaccine has also been causally linked to Multiple Sclerosis. While the United States government and vaccine manufacturers refuse to admit an official association, France has, and is rewarding money in lawsuits from vaccine injured citizens claiming that their MS was caused by the Hepatitis B vaccine. Please read below for further documentation on Multiple Sclerosis and the recombinant Hepatitis B vaccine.

Rouge-Maillart CI; "Recognition by French courts of compensation for post-vaccination multiple slcerosis: the consequences with regard to expert practice." Med Sci Law. 2007 Jul;47(3):185-90

Comenge Y; "Multiple sclerosis and hepatitis b vaccination: adding the credibility of molecular biology to an unusual level of clinical and epidemiological evidence." Med Hypotheses 2006;66(1):84-6

Fare E; "Multiple sclerosis and hepatitis B vaccination: could minute contamination of the vaccine by partial hepatitis b virus polymerase play a role through molecular mimicry?" Med Hypotheses, 2005;65(3)509-20

"These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that immunization with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine is associated with an increased risk of MS, and challenge the idea that the relation between hepatitis B vaccination and risk of MS is well understood."
-Hernan MA; "Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and the risk of multiple sclerosis: a prospective study." Neurology 2004 Sep 14;63(5):838-42

Vial T; "Autoimmune diseases and vaccniations." Eur J Dermatol. 2004 Mar-Apr;14(2):86-90

There will be separate articles written regarding the meningitis vaccinations for Hib, Pneumococcal and Meningococcal, as these are all of a more complex nature than the vaccinations listed here and have lengthy risk profiles.

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